The Power of a handwritten message

We can't take genuine and heartfelt communication between each other for granted anymore. Zoom, messenger, countless jpegs, emails and sms messages are oh so common that a message can become misconstrued and doesn't always convey the effort and emotion that the writer may have wanted to convey.
You may not even be able to see your loved one for their birthday or for yet another Christmas. State borders look likely to remain in effect till the powers that be say it's ok to cross that imaginary line once more.
If you're sending a gift or card directly to your loved one, let us lovingly handwrite your message. Simply add your message in the "Extra Information Box" at the checkout and specify on which card you'd like it written (if you're buying and writing to more than one person!).
We'll send your card with a message using our beautiful LAMY fountain pen.
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