Moon over Maui

Years ago, I was lucky enough to witness a sunrise over Haleakala volcano in Maui. If you want to imagine yourself on the moon without the price of a Virgin or Besos ticket to ride then consider Maui.

Mount Haleakala was a spiritual experience I'll always cherish. After watching this awesome natural marvel (I mean 'awesome' in a 17th Century way, not a Bill and Ted's 'excellent' kinda way), it was time to select our bikes for a fresh morning clock-wise whirl down the mountain. It was only at that moment that I realised, despite miles and miles of eardrum bursting spin classes at the gym, I hadn’t actually ridden a free-wheeling bike for at least 10 years!!

At the time I had no idea about the rare Haleakala Silversword plant which only grows on the summit of the Haleakala volcano. Silverswords can live for between 3 and 90+ years, & flowers only once, sending up a spectacular flowering stalk before dying & scattering their drying seeds to the wind. An excellent reason to return to Hawaii one day.

That won't happy for a wee while yet. So, I'm so happy to have discovered Daniel Sullivan's photography and videos of the amazing island. One can waste $200 US flying over the volcano to see nothing but smoke. Daniel's videos, with the help of drones, are charged with so much energy as he captures close-up the spirit of Mother Nature.
It certainly helps to charge my motivation for a productively creative day...
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